Scott Free and Mechanical Cake have partnered together for the launch of three original graphic novel series: Modville, Hyde, and Nick. Ridley Scott will lend his meticulous eye and unmatched world-building skills to the projects, announced Jesse Negron, CEO, Mechanical Cake.
Ridley Scott said, “Mechanical Cake is a terrific company. They understand the art of graphic novels. As an artist and painter, these projects are exciting to me, and I look forward to collaborating with Jesse, Tom, Dave, and the Mechanical Cake team.”
Tom Moran, Senior VP Development & Production at Scott Free and overseer of the joint venture with Mechanical Cake added, “Ridley and Tony Scott are known as great filmmakers (Alien, Blade Runner, Top Gun, True Romance) but few people realize their shared first true love of painting and art is what drove both of them into filmmaking. For the first time in Scott Free’s history, we are excitedly diving into comics as a new way to explore art and storytelling.”
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