Ninja Turtles series and former publisher of the popular Heavy Metal magazine—teams up with writer David Avallone (Elvira, Batwheels), artists Ben Bishop (The Aggregate, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin), and Troy Little (Rick and Morty, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas) for the upcoming Drawing Blood. This 12-issue comic book maxi-series, originally launched as a successful Kickstarter, will reach a larger audience in April and be published by Image Comics.
“The completely fictional true stories of Shane ‘Books’ Bookman sums it up the best,” said Eastman. “Set squarely in our collective world of Comics, part autobiographical, part tall tails and legends, I wanted a fictional character we could really put through the paces. Drawing Blood is all that and a basket of kittens…”
Avallone added: “When Kevin told me his idea for the project that became Drawing Blood, I immediately understood three things: it was something that hadn’t really been done before in comics, it could be really amazing… and that I wanted to write it with him. He kindly brought me on as co-creator, and we’ve had a blast turning all the crazy stories of a life in comics into this funny, entertaining, and heartbreaking saga of survival and redemption in show business.”
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