BBC Worldwide Americas Announces New Doctor Who Lens for Facebook Camera Effects Platform; Allows Users to Experience Regeneration for the First Time Through Augmented Reality in Advance of BBC AMERICA’s Doctor Who Christmas Special
BBC Worldwide Americas today announced a new effect for the Facebook Camera Effects Platform, giving users across the globe the ability to undergo the regeneration process for the first time using Augmented Reality. Users can access the effect, created by VFX studio The Mill, through the Facebook app’s camera feature beginning December 18, 2017, just days before the historic on-screen metamorphis of Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi into Thirteenth Doctor Jodie Whittaker during the 2017 Christmas Special, Doctor Who: Twice Upon a Time. The Special premieres on BBC AMERICA in the U.S. and Space in Canada on December 25, and will be available in theaters nationwide for one night only on December 27, 2017 through a partnership with Fathom Events.
Everyone using the effect will experience the excitement of a regeneration first-hand as they are enveloped in the distinctive golden glow that accompanies the unique process, which allows an alien Time Lord to change into a new body. Users can be part of this iconic moment, that has accompanied each Doctor’s regeneration since the BBC series began in 1963. The Doctor Who camera effect is available worldwide and users can share their experience with friends via Facebook Stories, posting it on their Facebook page, or saving it to share elsewhere.
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