Acclaimed Debut Film Starring Rising Comedian Charles Gould To Be Released In November
Dark Sky Films today announced it has acquired all North American distribution rights to the new horror comedy IT CUTS DEEPS, the directorial debut from Nicholas Payne Santos.
Greg Newman, Executive Vice President of MPI/Dark Sky Films, negotiated rights for the film and Dark Sky’s parent company, MPI Media Group will be representing worldwide international sales for the film. Nicola Goelzhaeuser, MPI’s Vice President of Sales and Acquisitions will be introducing IT CUTS DEEP to buyers at this year’s virtual Cannes.
The film is an 88/90 Production in association with BullMoose Pictures. Producer on the film is Kristy Richman. IT CUTS DEEP will be released in November 2020.
IT CUTS DEEP lives up to its title, revealing the extremes to which the fear of getting married and having children can go. While on Christmas vacation, a young couple contemplates their future together. Ashley (Quinn Jackson, The Blacklist, Hunting Season) is interested in marriage and kids, which terrifies Sam (acclaimed comedian Charles Gould, The Big Sick, Bonding). But when the handsome and paternal Nolan (John Anderson, Quantico, Mozart in the Jungle) enters the picture, Sam’s life spirals out of control as Ashley questions their relationship. Chaos reigns as Sam desperately clings to Ashley while fending off the threatening Nolan.
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