The clock strikes the witching hour in Season Two of the critically acclaimed supernatural series Nights, with a new upcoming arc of the ongoing comic book series that travels back in time to 1970s Las Vegas to explore the criminal origins of fan-favorite vampire girl Gray and her charismatic witch ex, Erik.
Beloved co-creators Wyatt Kennedy and Luigi Formisano and series editor Alana Fox are returning to the fantasy-horror series to pack a bloodier punch and plunge deeper into the darkness in this time-traveling storyline that is both a great jumping on point for new readers and a treat for longtime fans.
Launching in February 2025, Season Two will also present a new otherworldly antagonist, Moriel, and reveal the aftermath of the shocking events in the upcoming Season One finale issue, Nights #12, hitting shelves this January. Fans of anime like Studio Ghibli films will love this animation-influenced urban gothic series with equal measure of blood, heart, and humor.
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