Angry Birds Mystery Island, the new animated original series featuring new characters from Rovio Entertainment Corporation, is set to debut the first eight episodes simultaneously on Amazon Kids+ and Prime Video on Tuesday, May 21st.
The just hatched Trailer gives a sneak “beak” of what fans can expect from the talented cast as they give a voice to three new hatchling characters: Mia, Rosie, Buddy plus a foreign-exchange piglet named Hamylton. This follows the announcement of the 24 episode order for the first season.
Angry Birds Mystery Island features an ensemble cast including Harvey Guillén (What We Do in the Shadows), Kate Micucci (Scooby-Doo!), Dominic Monaghan (The Lord of the Rings), and Nasim Pedrad (Saturday Night Live). The series was developed by Amazon Kids+ and showrunner Eric Rogers (Futurama), and is being produced by Titmouse Inc. (The Legend of Vox Machina).