“Cosplay Universe,” a documentary that explores the evolution and rise of the global phenomenon known as Cosplay, the art of dressing up as a character you love, premiered this past weekend on July 3rd at Anime Expo, and will be followed by a global theatrical release this summer via distributor Abramorama. Tickets and theater information are now available on the film’s website cosplayuniversemovie.com/watch
Featuring the international stories of Yaya Han, Kamui Cosplay, Shema and Juan of Mexican Cosplay Team TWIIN Cosplay, World Cosplay Summit Organizer and academic Ed Hoff, Lauren of Castle Corsetry, Cynthia Tyler, Thomas De Petrillo and Qi Ma. The film is also highlighted by one of the last interviews with legendary comic book figure Stan Lee. Cosplay Universe is the most comprehensive exploration of the cosplay world to date.
Cosplay Universe celebrates the rise of the popular costuming sub-culture and explores the origin and evolution of cosplay as an art form and global community. Directed by Jonathan McHugh and Jordan Rennert, the film was shot over six years – pre-pandemic – at conventions around the U.S. including Anime Expo, San Diego’s Comic-Con International, Atlanta’s Dragon Con, Stan Lee’s last L.A. Comic Con and the World Cosplay Summit in Nagoya, Japan.