The beloved, critically-acclaimed Fishflies series by New York Times bestselling, multiple award winning creator Jeff Lemire (Sweet Tooth, Gideon Falls, Descender) will be collected in its entirety, issues #1-7, into hardcover format in March 2025 from Image Comics.
A small-town crime sets off a chain of events that will permanently alter the lives of several residents of bucolic Belle River, Ontario. As the manhunt heats up, a lonely girl named Franny Fox forms an unlikely friendship with a fugitive that leads them both on an odyssey of discovery and redemption… a journey that also uncovers dark secrets from the town’s eery past.
“Fishflies was a true labour of love. In many ways it was a return to the terrain of Essex County, but with a supernatural twist,” said Lemire. “It’s the story of a small town crime, a lonely girl and a monster, but it’s a lot more than that to me. Fishflies got me through some really hard times and Franny and Bug became my anchors and companions. The story took me places I never anticipated, and I’m really happy to be collecting it all into one complete graphic novel edition.”
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