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In times of natural disaster some celebrities donate money, others dedicate tweets, Coldplay on the other hand writes songs of hope. At a Miami concert on Monday night, the band gathered around the microphone to share their sentiments about Hurricane Harvey raging in Houston which resulted in the band canceling tour dates there. Though the band was sorry for not making the show, they sure showed their spirit with their voices and instruments.
“This is because we all grew up loving country music, and of course that’s kind of what we think of when we go to Texas,” said singer Chris Martin, “This is a new song and we’ll never play it again. It’s a once-off. Called ‘Houston’.”
Though hailing from London, Coldplay played the crowd a short, twangy little number that differed from their usual chromatic, pop rock songs. The southern lilt of Martin’s guitar seemed to assuage worries about the storm.
The crowd at the Miami Hard Rock Stadium cheered as Martin rattled off Texas cities in the lyrics:
“I’m dreamin’ of when I get back to Houston
I’m dreamin’ of that very special place.
I’m dreamin’ of when Houston has no problems
In that city where they send you into space.
I’m dreamin’ of when I get back to Texas
Corpus Christi, Harris County, Galveston.”
Martin tried his best country impression with his staunch British accent but in the end his heart shone through. It wasn’t exactly Johnny Cash but during times like these any help that raises the spirit is help enough. As Eric Zichella, an audience member at the show told CNN, “The atmosphere was electric. It was the most memorable moment of the show.”
“From Miami, we’re sending love to Houston,” Martin crooned.
But Coldplay weren’t the only artists to send their regards to The Lone Star State. Rapper, Drake made a heartfelt post on Instagram while Houston’s own Beyoncé is set “To implement a plan to help as many as we can.” probably through her philanthropic program, BeyGOOD.
Actor and comedian Kevin Hart also made public contributions as well as the Kardashians who have pledged $500,000 to the Salvation Army and Red Cross.
Regardless of creed, class, or contribution, the political differences in this country have been set aside to better help Houston in its time of need. Some may give their money but Coldplay lent their art for the people of Houston that night in Miami; a British band giving hope to an all-American city.