GoDaddy Goes Down After Apparent DNS Server Outage

By Robert McMillan

Many users of GoDaddy’s web hosting services found their websites down and their e-mail not going through on Monday afternoon, apparently following a failure of the company’s Domain Name Service servers.

GoDaddy announced the problems around 11 a.m. Pacific with a short Twitter message, saying: “We’re aware of the trouble people are having with our site. We’re working on it.”

At the same time, posters to the Outages mailing list were reporting that GoDaddy’s DNS servers — the computers that tell, among other things, internet browsers where to find web servers — had been knocked offline.
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Sony’s Cyber-shot RX1 compact camera packs a full-frame sensor, ‘fits in your palm’ (hands-on)

By Joe Pollicino

Would you believe us if we told you Sony packed a full-frame sensor in a Cyber-shot-branded camera? It’s true! Say hello to the RX1, a “compact” digital camera for pros that’s packing the same 24.3MP Exmor CMOS sensor introduced today with the A99.

Calling the rangefinder-esque one-pound shooter small might seem off-base, especially considering the Zeiss Vario-Sonnar T* 35mm f/2.0 fixed prime lens protruding from its front, but it’s not so huge (3-inches high by 4.5-inches wide) up against its tiny sibling, the RX100 — taking into account how much larger the RX1’s sensor is, well, that’s when this editor’s jaw basically dropped. While it’s not a “pro-NEX” as many had hoped, Sony explained that it chose a fixed lens to avoid the bulk of a lens-mount. We were able to get some eyes-on time with an engineering prototype of the unit, so click past the break for more details, close-ups and a brief video overview.
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T-Mobile Nabs Samsung Galaxy S Relay 4G

By Stephanie Mlot

The Samsung Galaxy S family continues to grow, with today’s addition of the Galaxy S Relay 4G to T-Mobile’s lineup.

The Relay 4G, which runs Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich and features a 4-inch Super AMOLED display, will hit retail and Web stores in the coming weeks.

The new phone sports a full QWERTY keyboard, as well as a 1.5-GHz dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon S3 processor. Additionally, the phone comes with Wi-Fi calling and Mobile HotSpot support for up to five devices.
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Verdict Shows Samsung Needs to Copy Apple Design

By Adam Satariano, Olga Kharif and Jun Yang

Following last month’s verdict saying Samsung Electronics Co. (005930) infringed Apple Inc. (AAPL) mobile-phone patents, the Korean electronics company faces pressure to copy another attribute of the iPhone maker: its focus on design.

The California jury ruling reinforced Samsung’s image as a follower rather than a trendsetter. The prospect of a ban on eight phones in the U.S. and a damages bill of more than $3 billion ratchets up pressure on Samsung to overhaul how it crafts handsets and give its design team freer rein to take risks. Yet creating the conditions for such a fundamental culture shift won’t be easy and any payoff uncertain in an industry whose creative standard was set by the late Steve Jobs.
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Apple’s Sept. 12 iPhone 5 event: What to expect

The date is set and expectations are high. What will emerge from next week’s event? Here’s what is likely, and what isn’t, about the new iPhone.

by Scott Stein

The wait is almost over.

Apple has officially announced a September 12 press event in San Francisco, confirming months of rumors. And the invitation (reproduced above) leaves little doubt that the event will be the rollout of the iPhone 5 (or whatever name Apple chooses for its sixth-generation iPhone).

Rarely has a product ever been so analyzed, so rumored, and so leaked as Apple’s next-gen phone. Not a day, or even an hour, goes by without a new picture of the rumored case, screen, connector jack, even headphones. Has all the excitement already been spilled, or is there something completely different yet to come? Here’s a rundown, all rumors aside, of what to expect.

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Oracle appeals $306 mn settlement in SAP lawsuit

US software giant Oracle is appealing a $306 million settlement in its marathon copyright infringement lawsuit against German rival SAP, court documents show.

The current settlement amount, set on August 3, is less than a quarter of the $1.3 billion SAP had been originally ordered to pay the Silicon Valley giant by a jury in November 2010.

But US District Court Judge Phyllis Hamilton slashed the amount last year to $272 million, saying the jury’s award was “grossly excessive”.

Oracle rejected the amount and made its case through the courts.

The case dates back to 2007, when Oracle accused SAP subsidiary TomorrowNow of a massive scheme to download and copy its software.

Last month, the two firms agreed to the $306 million figure — but with the understanding that it was simply a maneuver to end the case in the lower courts and allow an appeal to proceed.

The latest appeal was made to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

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Nokia Lumia 920 to include wireless charging, 32GB storage, and 8-megapixel camera

By Tom Warren

Nokia will introduce its latest Lumia 920 handset at a special event with Microsoft on Wednesday September 5th, we have learned. Images of the Lumia 920 leaked last week and we have been able to confirm them with multiple sources.

The Lumia 920 will be Nokia’s new flagship Windows Phone and will include some impressive hardware specifications to match. According to sources familiar with the company’s Windows Phone plans, Nokia is packaging wireless charging with its Lumia 920.
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iPhone 5: What to expect

By Marc Saltzman

While no one outside of Apple’s inner circles know what it will be called — iPhone 5, new iPhone or something else altogether — all signs point to a new device on the market by the third week of September.

Between leaked photos out of Asia, patent filings, Foxconn CEO comments (the Chinese manufacturer responsible for building Apple’s products), cellular carriers clearing stock of the iPhone 4S (and telling employees not to take a vacation between Sept. 21 through 30), it’s pretty certain the iPhone 5 — let’s just call it that for the time being — will be available in a month’s time.

The new phone is expected to be officially announced on September 12, when preorders would also start, and available about a week later.
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Apple targets more Samsung products in patent suit

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Seeking to capitalize on a major legal victory over its rival Samsung Electronics Ltd, Apple Inc has asked a federal court in a separate case to find that four additional Samsung products, including the Galaxy S III, infringe Apple’s patents.

In February, Apple alleged that at least 17 Samsung products infringe its patents. In a court filing made in San Jose federal court on Friday, Apple added four more products to the list of allegedly infringing products that have been released beginning in August 2011 and continuing through this month.

Apple won a major victory over Samsung last Friday in a separate case when a jury found that the South Korean company had copied critical features of the hugely popular iPhone and iPad and awarded the U.S. company $1.05 billion in damages.

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Chinese firm releasing Android-running ‘iPhone 5’

A Hong Kong iPhone 5 look-alike is positioned to beat Apple to market, minus one very important feature: iOS.

by Amanda Kooser

ou can wait around like everybody else, languishing in a long line at the Apple Store, or you can zip over to Hong Kong and pick up an iPhone 5 well before everybody else. Sounds great, right? There’s a catch.

The iPhone 5 you’re getting may look like it matches all the leaked information of Apple’s upcoming smartphone, but dig a little deeper and you’ll notice some differences. Like Android. In a bizarre mixture of technology rivals, the phone is called the Goophone I5.

Details are sketchy on this look-alike, but it definitely cops the two-tone back look expected for the iPhone 5. Despite hints that the iPhone 5 could grow in screen size, the Goophone version comes with a 3.5-inch display.

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