Lionsgate’s Sci-Fi Thriller “The Abandon” Has A New Trailer, Poster

theabandon“The Abandon” is directed by Jason Satterlund and written by Dwain Worrell, and stars Jonathan Rosenthal, Tamara Perry, Regis Terencio, Dan Kyle, and Priscilla Avila.

In the upcoming sci-fi thriller, U.S. soldier Miles Willis is shot and wounded during an intense firefight in Iraq, and he awakens to find himself trapped in a strange, colorless cube with nothing inside but his own combat gear.

As time passes, the cube begins to change: fluctuating extreme temperatures, random shifts of gravity, and strange writing appearing on the walls. His only communication is with a mystery woman who calls him on his satellite phone, claiming to be trapped in a similar space. As the clock ticks, the two of them must figure out who has them, why they were taken, and how to escape.

The Abandon is set to arrive in select cinemas on July 19th, and then followed by a digital release on July 30th.
